Friday, May 6, 2016

Bullfrogs and Butterflies

My all-time favorite spring activity is watching caterpillars turn into butterflies.  I love the whole process, especially as a mom.  Hunting for the eggs with the girls, finding the tiny caterpillars, watching them destroy a milkweed.  Finally forming their chrysalis and then waiting for the beautiful butterfly to emerge.

Growing up in a Southern Baptist home, I have vivid memories of playing the vinyl record "Bullfrogs and Butterflies" on the record player in our living room.  I know there were hand motions and dance moves involved but what mainly sticks out to me is "Bullfrogs and Butterflies have both been born again!"  The lesson to a child was that just like the tadpole turns into a frog and the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, we as Christians are born again when we accept Christ.  I never quite understood the magnitude of what that meant, but the terminology was used so frequently that I knew it meant "being saved" and becoming a follower of Christ.

Now that I am an adult, it all has become very clear to me.  Especially after this Spring, watching the process of a butterfly form up close.  As a fun project for Shelby's kindergarten class I purchased a milkweed plant that had caterpillars already munching on it.  We took it to school and the class watched as the process took place.  They even did some research to learn exactly what was happening every step of the way.  The most exciting part for my girls was when we actually watched the caterpillar form into it's chrysalis.  While it is fascinating to watch scientifically, it really hit me on a spiritual level this year.  When a caterpillar forms it's chrysalis it must first purge it's old skin, once it does this if it doesn't fall away it will kill the caterpillar when the metamorphosis occurs.  Once that has happened and the caterpillar is inside it's chrysalis, the change happens.  During the next 10-14 days, the caterpillar basically digests itself to form the wings and new body of the beautiful butterfly.  I know you may all be thinking, what the heck, when did she decide to be all scientific?  Well, I share all of this to say, this is what happens when we decide to follow Jesus.  If we don't let go of all the junk, it's going to hinder our growth.  We won't be able to fully receive the grace that God has promised us.  Now, just so you know, I'm not a theologian and this is definitely my own take on all of this.  But what a beautiful lesson to teach our children.

To become a Christian, you must first die to yourself.  Forget the previous life you once knew, and let God change you into the beautiful person you are created to be.  Just like the Bullfrogs and Butterflies!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Here we go again....

Isn't this how it always goes, or according to Timehop it does for me.  Every year, I try to blog, and then forget, get busy, or just don't have anything to write about.  I think about the things I want to write about, truly I do.  But then, I never take the time to sit down and actually put the words down.  So here we are multiple failed blogs later.

Let's make 2016 different, let's make it a point to blog.  Blog about LIFE!  Working out, eating, living.  All of it!!

First of all y'all, I had the most surreal experience this past Saturday.  My husband and I were asked to speak in front of 2500 people at a regional Advocare event.  When we initially got the email, I was blown away!!  I made it a goal when I joined Advocare to one day be on that stage, but I never dreamed it would be this soon.  I kept it cool and calm for the 2 MONTHS we had to prepare.  We practiced what we were going to say over and over and over.  I made him do it twice on the 30 minute drive to rehearsal.  But let me tell you, Saturday, at 10:15am, when we hit that stage, I have no idea what I said.  I spoke from my heart about what Advocare has meant for me and our family.  Hearing my husband share his INCREDIBLE weightloss story was something that made me extremely proud to be his wife.  The energy from the audience fired me up to go out and tell that stories to the masses.  I know there are more exhausted stay at home moms out there, looking for a solution for energy!  None of us wants to be the mom that is too tired to play after school.  And none of us wants to be the mom that hides behind the camera.

So 2016, I will blog.  I will inspire.  I will change the world!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

What is success?

For 10 years I’ve wanted to blog.  I’ve attempted more times than I could even count, and never “succeeded”.  Or at least, I thought so. 

But really, what does it mean to SUCCEED at blogging?  Does it mean that you have 250,000 subscribers, instagram followers, and your own youtube channel?  If that is why I’m blogging then there is no real passion behind the words.  I’ve tried to blog about saving money, running, and just NOTHING.  Still, I never felt like it would be successful. 

Recently, I’ve struggled about purpose.  My two girls are in school full-time and after being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) for 10 years I got to that point where I said, “Now what?”  I no longer have a preschooler that needs me 90% of the day.  That 90% of time is now spent at school, with the teachers who are loving and helping to mold them, but what about me?  I have a great home business that helps pay the bills, and I LOVE what I am able to do with it, but it doesn’t take 7 hours a day.  So how do I fill those hours?

In the words of Gru, “LIGHT BULB” 


My words may never be read by anyone but my best friends and my mom, and that is OK!  I don’t need to have hundreds of thousands of followers.  This blog is for ME!  For me to put my words out there and if people read them and are inspired to be better, do more, or are challenged to dive into God’s word then I’ve done my job.  

Dear Target Mama

I saw you this morning.  I immediately recognized the tired look in your eyes as you pushed a fussy toddler through the house wares at 8:30 this morning.  I know too well that messy bun on top of your head, wrinkled t-shirt that you probably slept in, and the goldfish bag that you probably haven’t paid for yet.  You saw me, too.  For a brief moment we made eye contact.  Me, the mom with her hair and make up done, cute top and Capri pants, no kid in tow.  You may have even thought, “What a treat it must be to go to target alone at 8:30am.”
I was once you.  I was once that tired mama, dragging a toddler to target to run our errands, because the older child was at school, and the toddler was awake so we might as well.  Though it is enjoyable to shop alone, and be able to get myself dressed now that my kids are in school.  I miss it.  I miss the toddler days.  I miss Disney jr, goldfish on the couch, and blowing bubbles in the yard.  My time with my girls is now filled with homework and scheduled activities.  We no longer have the freedoms of story time and spur of the moment zoo trips. 

So Target mama, embrace these days.  Embrace the messy hair, stained t-shirt, and goldfish crumbs.  Because the days may be long, but oh sister, the years are so short. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It's 90% mental and 10% physical

Three years ago, I started training for my very first half-marathon.  I asked EVERYONE who claimed to be a runner for advice, and most everyone said the same thing.  

"It is 90% mental and 10% physical."  

"You're body will keep going until it can't go anymore, it's your brain you have to convince."

I pretty much thought they were crazy.  There was NO WAY, my body was going to be able to go 13.1 miles!!  I just knew it would give out half-way down the strip!  (First half was the Rock n Roll in Vegas!)  But I started training, and you know what?  They were right.  There were many runs my brain told me I couldn't do it anymore, but my legs kept going.  

As I am beginning this journey to the full 26.2 miles, I am having to remind myself of this.  Sunday I ran 4 miles and it was HOT!!  I live in Houston and it's August!  Have you ever tried running in a sauna?  That's basically the same thing.  I could have given up at mile 2, or mile 3, but I kept telling myself that I could do this.  My body will completely collapse when I can't go anymore, not that I want that to happen, but with a little pep talk to myself I can keep going.  

So, for all of you runners out there, whether you are training for your first mile, 5K, 10K, half-marathon, or full, remember, your body can do anything, it's your brain you have to convince!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Getting my groove back

I forgot how much I HATE  LOVE running!!  There are some days I just can't convince myself to get out there and run.  I know I need to, I know I will feel AMAZING after I'm finished, but the thought of getting up, putting on my shoes, and sweating is the last thing I want to do.  Especially after being out of it for so long.  But then I do it.  I seriously have to pep talk myself from the moment I wake up, but I do it.  PLEASE tell me I am not the only person who does that.

This week has been a great week for running.  After the eating disaster this past weekend known as Easter, I knew that I was going to have to buckle down on my cardio if I wanted to rock my pink shoes on stage at a training this weekend.  Monday morning I woke up, and self-talked all the way to the gym.  I was going to force myself to run 3.1 if it killed me.  Dropped the tiny girl off at the kidz club, drank my BioCharge, and found the perfect treadmill.  I had downloaded "Happy" and "Talk Dirty to Me" earlier that morning so I set those to be the first 2 songs I listened to, and hit GO!  It was the best 32 minutes I've had in a long time.  I felt like I was in the zone!!  Endorphins were raging, sweat was pouring, and my back actually wasn't hurting.
Tuesday is a work day for me, so the gym wasn't an option.  As soon as the hubs got home, I put on my shoes and headed out for a run.  I told myself it was going to be 30 minutes or 3 miles, whichever came first.  Unfortunately, we live in Texas and yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far.  The 30 minutes came first.

Today, was sprint day!!  I did 4 sets of 30 seconds sprints at 100% followed by 2 minute active recovery.  I will increase that next week.  But for now, my legs are feeling stronger already.  I will continue to do some weight training as well, but the focus is of course on my running and training for that 26.2.  I made the decision today that I will run my first "official" 5K in over a year next month.  I CANNOT WAIT!!  I was shooting for the 10K but a friend is running her first 5 and I want to be with her to cheer her on!

How is your running this week?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Just a mom, who runs, and is sometimes crazy

Hey y'all!!

Welcome to the blog!!  I've tried to do this more times than I want to admit, but made the decision a few weeks ago that I was going to train for and run a FULL MARATHON!  (See, I told you I was crazy!)  So I figured a blog would help hold me accountable.  I will also be sharing recipes, workouts, and fun stories here, so I hope you will stick around.

I've run 4 half-marathons in my lifetime, but nothing since January 2013.  I will get to why I took the year long hiatus in another post, but I am BACK, Back again, shady's back, tell a friend.  Sorry, I digress...  I felt that I needed a place to post encouragement for other runners, as well as a place to vent when I feel like I'm never going to be able to make it.  I hope you will join me on this journey and find training ideas as well as some laughter along with way.